Construyendo nuestro futuro juntos.

Mientras se prepara para prosperar en su carrera, prosperar en su educación, seguir un camino hacia la ciudadanía o practicar un mayor compromiso cívico, tenemos programas para inspirar, equipar y celebrar cada paso del viaje. Únase a nuestra maravillosa y diversa comunidad. Encuentre un programa que le permita tomar las riendas de su futuro.

programas juveniles

¡Adelante! Programa de Jóvenes

What are you passionate about? Do you imagine big things for your future? Explore the possibilities for life after high school and discover the path to pursue your goals with a strong community of friends through the 8th – 11th grade ¡Adelante! Program.

¡Más Adelante! Programa de Jóvenes

The wide horizon after high school is stretching out before you. Are you ready for what comes next? The ¡Más Adelante! program for 12th graders can help you take your next steps with confidence. Set yourself up for success in the job market or lay the groundwork for a great college experience.

programas para adultos

esl & digital literacy program

(Inglés Segundo Idioma)

Building confidence in your English is a critical step of growth and connection. We’re here to make the process simple. Learn English while also learning valuable computer skills like typing, file organization, emailing and exploring the internet. 

workforce development

Unlock your full potential by enrolling in LAUP’s Workforce Development Program. Receive individual training tailored to your needs and learn skills to make you a more qualified hire to take your career to the next level. Secure your future today!

Programa de Ciudadanía

Supere los obstáculos a la ciudadanía en 10 semanas. Aprenda lo que necesita para solicitar la ciudadanía y reciba apoyo experto mientras se prepara para aprobar el examen de ciudadanía.

salserines - Health through salsa

Staying fit and healthy can be fun! Enjoy the numerous health benefits of Salsa dancing by joining the Salserines! Learn different dance moves in this group dancing environment where partners are not required! Come dance with us Thursday night from 7pm to 9pm at the LAUP office!

LAUP spanish classes

Did you take Spanish in high school and then let the skill fall out of practice?
Or maybe you’re planning a trip to Mexico and want to know some Spanish to help you out.
Whatever the reason, learning another language is a valuable skill. In Holland, nearly 25% of the population is Latino and this number is projected to grow.
Whether you are an employer or looking for work, speaking Spanish will set you apart from the competition!